The Yorktown High School community is grieving the loss of beloved English teacher Traci Selden, who passed away unexpectedly at age 52. For over two decades, Mrs. Selden made a profound impact on students in Arlington, Virginia through her passion for literature, dedication to mentoring teens, and commitment to honing young minds.

A Career Rooted in Service

Traci Selden devoted over 20 years of her life to shaping the minds and characters of high school students. She began her teaching career in 1998 at Yorktown, where she quickly built a reputation as an engaging, thoughtful educator in the English department. Her instruction centered around classic novels, poetry, composition, and grammar.

Bringing Literature to Life

Mrs. Selden had a gift for bringing the works of great authors like Steinbeck, Lee, and Twain to life for students. She led animated discussions and activities to deepen their understanding of literary motifs, characters, and life lessons. Mrs. Selden saw the power of books to cultivate empathy, critical thinking, and resilience in teenagers.

Dedicated to Each Student's Growth

While passionate about English, Mrs. Selden’s true passion was nurturing her students. She took a personal interest in the lives and aspirations of each teen. Mrs. Selden provided academic support, college counseling, and mentorship. She inspired them to pursue their passions through her example as an intellectually curious, dedicated lifelong learner.

An “Anchor” for the School

Faculty colleagues describe Mrs. Selden as the “anchor” of Yorktown’s English department. She generously mentored new teachers and modeled best practices. Traci Selden’s organization, insight, and dedication to the craft of teaching made a lasting impact on the school community. Her loss leaves a void in the halls of Yorktown.

A Legacy of Positive Influence

While nothing can make up for Mrs. Selden’s absence, her influence ripples out through over two decades of students whose lives she touched. Her legacy lives on through the hundreds of teens she inspired to embrace literature, follow their dreams, and live purposeful lives. The Yorktown community will forever cherish Mrs. Traci Selden for her devotion to students and to her craft. Though gone too soon, her positive impact endures.
