The Vamps popped in to say ‘hello’ on Nick Grimshaw’s Radio 1 Breakfast Show this morning to chat about their current tour and also share a video from when they teamed up with Radio 1 to do the school run with some lucky fans.

Monica, Emily and Sky from Manchester, who believed they were going on a school trip, were treated to a surprise drive home from James and Brad. Sigh. The only treats we got on the school run were if our mum occasionally stopped at the supermarket and we were allowed some sweets.

Nick gave the girls some questions to ask and they certainly didn’t hold back, ranging from “who was your first kiss?” to “how big are Prince Charles’ ears in real life?”. The world just needs to know these things sometimes.

The girls’ bubbly personalities and confidence didn’t go amiss, Monica saying she would “probably die” if The Vamps were to break up, she wouldn’t hesitate in jumping out of the window if James was to fart in the car and all of them couldn’t help but ask for a cheeky selfie with Brad.

All of the boys were up bright and early in the Radio 1 studio talking to Nick live this morning as they discussed the school run video and chatted about their current tour. The hashtag #TheVampsonGrimmy was trending at number 1 in the UK as fans flooded Twitter with their questions. James and Brad said they enjoyed the girls’ company and how confident they were. Nick then joked that his producer felt like giving the boys a hug afterwards after the girls gave them a grilling.

When talking about the Wake Up Arena Tour, Tristan confessed to having not slept after their second London tour date at the O2 last Saturday. It just so happened that the boys were on Channel 4’s Sunday Brunch the next morning. Rock on, Tris.

The video of the school run can be seen on BBC iPlayer here
