Mushroom bricks are an important resource in Grounded that allows players to create mushroom bases.

When playing Grounded, players probably know the ins and outs of crafting and creating items. Well, mushroom bricks fall into the crafting and creating category. They cannot be found in the wild.

Instead, players will have to gather the correct resources and make mushroom bricks. This is the only way to acquire them and start building mushroom-made structures.

Grounded: How to craft mushroom bricks

Image via Obsidian Entertainment

Players need to make a ton of mushroom bricks once the recipe is unlocked in Grounded. Without a healthy surplus of these bricks, putting together any sort of mushroom building will be impossible.

To create mushroom bricks, players will need to have already unlocked and created the Grinder and Oven crafting stations. This requires finding the Haze lab BURG.L chip.

Once the chip has been obtained, return to BURG.L and players will unlock the Advanced Production Buildings recipe in Grounded. This is how to get a hold of the Grinder and Oven.

Image via Obsidian Entertainment

Once they are created, use the Grinder to create mushroom slurries. This can be done by placing toadstool, mushrooms, and mushroom chunks into it. When the mushroom slurry is made, move on to the Oven.

In the Oven of Grounded, players are able to place five mushroom slurries. A set of five will create one mushroom brick. It is an easy process, but takes quite a lot of time.

Image via Obsidian Entertainment

As soon as enough mushroom bricks are crafted from the Grinder making slurries and the Oven making the bricks from the slurries, mushroom structures can be built for your Grounded base.

Creating the first mushroom slurry will unlock recipes for the Mushroom Wall, Arch, Curved Wall, Curved Half Wall, Half Wall A, Half Wall B, Triangle Wall, Windowed Wall, and Windowed Curved Wall.

When players analyze the mushroom and the mushroom brick, that will further unlock the Mushroom Door, Curved Door, Pillar, Pet House, Pet Ant Helmet, and Pet Grub Goggles in Grounded.

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